let’s create the climate for…change
learning path in 3 stages

A unique blend of findings and knowledge from different scientific fields
related to climate changes along with the preservation and valorization
of cultural heritage, will be offered in such a way to be accessible to
everyone. Each partner Organization will then adapt contents and
methods to local and/or national contexts, with the aim of sensitizing and
encouraging participation in subsequent stages, as well as to the benefit
of their operations and impacts on target groups
The project targets trainers, educators,
managers, staff in the area of adult
education. They will be introduced to the
projects contents and practices to let
them empower their skills and
competences and allow them to raise
their readiness to implement innovative
educational methods,  based on 
environmental sustainability
The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein
TERRA Transformative learning through the prism of environmental sustainability

email: tenforsustainability@gmail.com
Project number: 2019-1-IT02-KA204-062303
Copyright Terra Project
28 July 2021, blended, in Stockholm, Sweden
Final transnational meeting & Stage 3 of the Transformative
learning path “let’s create the climate for…change”

The project's meeting had the goal to present and debate
and exchange the identified good practices as regards:
European Institutions and initiatives to connect environmental
sustainability and lifelong learning; synergies and interactions
between environmental sustainability and preservation and
valorization of cultural and natural heritage...